
It's True. It's Real.

Last night I was preparing to answer a challenge from the missionaries in our ward- give a Book of Mormon to someone. They suggested I write my testimony in the front and mark some important and favorite passages.

As I was doing this, it was as if I was reading the book for the first time. I saw it with new eyes and with that came an absolutely overpowering witness that this book is true. That it is indeed a record, a history of an entire civilization and that Christ really did visit them and teach them the gospel. My words are weak and impotent in comparison to what I felt, but I can tell you this much:

It is real. It is true. And it is VITAL. I know this with a surety beyond any I have ever felt.

If you're doubting it, if you have not read it, if you're wondering at all- go read the Book of Mormon. Pray sincerely and ask God if it is not His word. He will tell you. If you have ever felt His presence and His Spirit in your life, you will feel it when you read the Book of Mormon with an honest and earnest intent. Moroni gave you his promise:

Moroni 10:4-5 "And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.
"And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

If I have any friends who read this to whom I have not borne my testimony, I apologize. Whatever else I may have said, this is the most important I can and will ever say: The Book of Mormon is the word of God. The power of Christ is again on the earth. Revelation from heaven has been restored and a prophet of God lives on this earth today. God hears and answers your prayers and if you pray about this, you will feel His Spirit confirm it. My words will be powerless and empty to you without it, but know that I know that these things are real.



My thoughts today turn towards the lesson we had in Relief Society on trials & tribulations. I kind of hate that phrase-- not necessarily because of the phrase itself, but because of the way in which it is usually said. It's become trite, tired and lost impact.

In any case, my thoughts have indeed turned to the role of trials in our lives. Let me say this:

We are only as strong as our greatest trial.

When we are met with challenges in this life, we have two options generally: rise to meet it and come out stronger and wiser, or shrink back hoping to dodge it, becoming bitter and victimized when we can't. When we meet our trials, be they calamities, health problems, temptations, relationships, financial distress, or common fears, we grow.

But what does that even mean? What kind of growth is achieved through trials?

My favorite analogy I learned in an exercise science class in college. Essentially, the body builds muscle by responding to stresses placed upon it. For example, weight-bearing exercises put stress on our bones and our bone cells respond by building more bones cells, increasing our bone density. Weight-lifting takes our muscles to a point of stress and they react by increasing in mass to meet the needs. Economics work in the same way-- the law of supply and demand. We have the option of sitting on the couch, vegging out watching the Olympics and shrugging off the talent and hard work of the people on the screen as "genetic", saying "Oh, I could never do that." But what we're really saying is "I don't care enough to do that." And while we're sitting there, our bodies are responding to our lack of stress-- by degenerating. Muscles require energy to maintain and if we're not expending energy, we will lose that muscle mass and conserve the energy- in the form of fat.

The same thing works for us in any other realm. When we respond to the stresses, the trials life hands us by standing and meeting them, we become stronger and more able to face the next one. But when we shrink-- we shrink. We lose confidence, we become victims of circumstance and start all of our sentences with "shoulds" and "coulds"-- but never with "wills".

The trials, the stresses of life can become our best friends. The kinds of friends that shape us and mold us into the best version of ourselves we can be. They can put things in perspective and empower us. Perhaps it will at first seem a contradiction when I say that we are empowered by submitting to God's will. But really, what it comes down to is that God's will and God's laws are eternal and natural laws, and by acknowledging and submitting to them, we learn how to work within them, and with that comes great power-- and great support. Or in other words, God's power, and God's support. The irony is that when we don't submit in faith, when we shrink back from life's difficulties, we lose that power as well and proudly (meaning "to set oneself at enmity with God") reject what God would give us, thinking that somehow we would be better off and safer by avoiding them. But this avoidance leaves us weak and defenseless and unprepared. What good would it do to protect our children from all of life's pains? From the falls that come with learning to walk to a poor grade on a test for which they failed to study, each failure, each pain can bring growth and determination.

Remember how all things precious are formed: a diamond through great heat and pressure, precious metals through intense heat and refining, delicate potteries baked at high temperatures. Life is meant to be difficult. It is meant to try us. It is meant to form us. And "all these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good." D&C 122:7


An Apostle's Testimony

This was my favorite conference talk during the October 2009 General Conference by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have never heard such powerful testimony born of The Book of Mormon. I add my humble testimony to the words of this great man and am ever grateful for both the book of which he bears witness, as well as for living prophets that today receive revelation directly from God.

You can also view this talk by clicking here, then clicking on the Sunday PM link and watching the fifth video in the lineup, captioned Elder Jeffrey R. Holland.

(image googled and borrowed from Mike)