The Purpose
Perhaps the best way to begin this blog would be to start with the answers to a few questions:
There are a number of reasons. For some time now, I've been enchanted with the idea of getting a Master's in theology/philosophy and having the opportunity to write a thesis. I find that for me, the written word is the perfect outlet for the expression of my thoughts, beliefs and interests. Some find their outlet in the arts. If I were to choose the perfect way to tell you what I feel about what I know, about my beliefs, particularly my beliefs and feelings about the gospel of Christ, I would choose music to share the depths of my soul. I've sought- for some time now- a good venue in which to express these things without subjecting a captive audience to my soapbox and the rants that tend to accompany any discussion of beliefs.
I've also, for some time, sought a way in which I can share the gospel of Christ. I've had great difficulty in this since I have trouble getting out of my bubble. I tend to hide behind a screen name in my missionary work (as I am now!), but even then I found myself frustrated because of the lack of honest interest and a ridiculous amount of angry contention over points of doctrine. As far as missionary work in person- well, I've shared with people I care about, but even then I hold back in fear of offending their sensitivities. Ironically, I should be sharing this beautiful message that brings me so much personal joy with all I come into contact with. So what has held me back? The skepticism of others. I despise the 'rained-on-parade' feeling I feel when I share something so personally special to me and it is met with skepticism and hostility. It makes me feel as if I am casting the proverbial pearls before swine. Not that I think of my dear friends as swine, but I think the phrase expresses the difficulty of sharing something beautiful with someone unable- or just unwilling- to appreciate it.
So for some time I've felt quite frustrated in my gospel-sharing efforts. My own personal bubble limits me, as well as previous failures to adequately share my joy. And so I had thrown up my hands to await other, less-threatening opportunities and have been somewhat dormant in the worldwide conversation concerning God and religion since.
I was reading in this month's Ensign an article entitled "Sharing the Gospel on the Internet". It reminded me of my previous yearning to share that which is so dear to me and encouraged me to try again to participate in this ongoing conversation. And so, I did what I do best lately- I created a blog. It's likely that this is the most lazy, comfortable, bubbled missionary experience that a person can have and still feel like they may be touching someone's life. Perhaps the only life I will truly touch is my own. But maybe, just maybe, it might touch someone else's life, someone who really needs it.
-What will you share?
Quite honestly, anything that I feel a need to understand better myself, any epiphany I have recently had, any of those points that I wish I'd made during a conversation but thought of too late. I wish to share my knowledge of the truth (piddling though it is) and to garner further grains of truth, further light and knowledge that may help me as it may help you. This blog will be dedicated to anything that may relate to my beliefs, understanding and knowledge of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and His gospel.
-What do you hope to accomplish?
I hope that in some small way, I can share my knowledge and beliefs about my Savior that will
1) lead you to Him
2) lead you to know Him
3) help us both to understand Him and ourselves in the process.
I hope that I clear misconceptions/misunderstandings about my beliefs and the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). I pray that as I go about this, I will have the clarity of mind and the understanding needed to put forth this knowledge, this truth in a way that enables you to feel the same Spirit that I do when I dwell on His teachings.
God be with us both in our search for truth.