In His Name
In our church, we end our prayers in His name. We bless our children in His name. We baptize our members in His name. We testify of Him- in His name. We preach His gospel in His name. We perform all ordinances necessary for salvation and exaltation in His name. We do each and every thing worth doing- in His name.
Do we think about that? I think it can become rote if we don't watch ourselves. When we do each of these things, we are, in fact, consecrating that to Him. We are also stating that we are acting as we believe He would act or as we believe He would have us act. We are taking His name upon us.
What does that mean? Well, pretty much what I already said: that we are claiming that our actions are in line with His teachings. Oh how cautious this should make us in our actions- in what we do, say and think each day. Just praying in His name alone should make us reevaluate ourselves. When we do so, we consecrate our day and our time to Him in the morning, and at night we report to Him in the hopes that our day was spent in a manner worthy of His name.
How carefully would you live your life if everything you did was conscientiously in the name of Christ? What would you change? What would you keep the same? As Christians, this should be at the forefront of our every decision.
Something to Talk About...
Now, my first reaction was incredulity mixed with outrageous laughter. I mean, honestly, I can't believe people actually still believe some of these things. So I wrote the following letter to the editor:
So I'm sure you've been getting countless emails and responses from enraged Mormons about this article. Now, I'm a Mormon, one of the suppressed white female kind. And far from being enraged, I actually find the article completely ridiculous. My natural response as I was reading it was outright laughter. This author clearly has no clue what Mormons actually believe, preach or stand for. He makes so many hasty -dated- generalizations that it's funny to me that people actually still think these things.
And I find it terribly interesting that although Christians in general are rising up against gay marriage (look up the American Family Association- not a Mormon group by any stretch, but a Christian group), he chooses the classic "the Mormons are coming" battle cry. Please. It's been done since the beginnings of our religion. If it's not amusing, it's tired. I honestly feel bad for anyone who reads this and actually thinks that these allegations are any more than the tripe that has been thrown our way for ages. I had thought that our society, our country was making strides towards tolerance. No, just tolerance for gays, not tolerance for other religions. If the author had made any valid and true accusations, he might be worth listening to. But he discredits himself with every uninformed, bigoted statement (I counted 8 blatant misrepresentations of specific beliefs and practices) he makes about Mormons. Please, if you want to complain about Mormons, find something accurate and legitimate to get us on. If you have to make stuff up to prove a point, maybe you don't have a leg to stand on.
Now that it's had a chance to set in a little bit, I'm less amused and more tired. Tired of hearing the same old crap these ignorant people love to trump up. I had originally thought when I started this post that I would respond point by point to the article, but when I got to this point, the fire in me died. It just seems so pointless. Anyone interested in the truth about what we believe can find it with a minimum of effort. I found someone else's point by point rebuttal as the third hit on a google search. So rather than throw out the same thing you can get anywhere, I've decided to refresh myself on what the purpose of this blog is: it's to find truth and examine it. Not to play apologetics. I've been there and done that, which is why the discussion is so stale to me.
Thus, if I happen to have any readers, and those readers are in fact interested in my response to any of the article's "points" about Mormons, I will be more than happy to address your questions. By all means, ask me if you're wondering. But otherwise, I'm going to refocus my thoughts on other, more important and interesting matters.
My Testimony
(This is taken from a post on another blog of mine from over a year ago. For the full post, click here.)
I know that God the Father is a living god with a body of flesh and bone, that He is a being of personality, parts, and passions. I know that He sent His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ here to earth to show us how to live and who then atoned for our sins. I know that God created the heavens and the earth and all things that in them are. I know that we are created in the image and likeness of our Heavenly parents. I know that we have a Heavenly Mother as well... I long to know her again. I know that after this life, if we live true to ourselves and our beliefs, if we keep the covenants that we make with our Father, that we can live again with Him in the celestial kingdom. I know that in this afterlife, we can attain exaltation and be linked eternally with our families and all those dear to us. I know that through the grace of God and our own repentance and faith, we can eventually become like Him, gods and goddesses to create our own worlds.
I know that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God. That God the Father and His Son appeared to Joseph when he sought them in prayer and that through him, the gospel of Jesus Christ was restored upon the earth in its fullness. I know that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon by the gift and power of God and that it, along with the Old and New, is also a Testament of Jesus Christ.
I know that we have a living prophet, who today receives revelation from our God and leads this Church as God would have him do. I know that while our leaders are men, and as such are fallen, corrupt creatures with a disposition to sin, the same as any other man, that they are still led by God and taught by him and that God has found them worthy to lead His Church here on earth. They are men who have worked and repented and been sanctified by Our Lord, and still repent daily in faith, striving to become better, to be worthy of their callings. If God has found them worthy in spite of whatever flaws they might have, then they are worthy.
Finally, I testify of the eternal nature of the family and the saving power of the ordinances and covenants that are available to the worthy within the temples of God. I know that there is one path to God the Father and that path is through His Son, Jesus Christ. I love Him and I love His Son. I long to return to them, to behold their faces and to know that I am worthy to do so. I love attending church and singing praises to the name of my God. For me, singing is the purest testimony and the most beautiful worship and gift that I can offer.
I have bared my soul in this post. I seek to offend no one, only to establish what I have been stifling these several months. I beg that you take it at its worth-- to me, it is more precious than anything on this earth.
The Purpose
Perhaps the best way to begin this blog would be to start with the answers to a few questions:
There are a number of reasons. For some time now, I've been enchanted with the idea of getting a Master's in theology/philosophy and having the opportunity to write a thesis. I find that for me, the written word is the perfect outlet for the expression of my thoughts, beliefs and interests. Some find their outlet in the arts. If I were to choose the perfect way to tell you what I feel about what I know, about my beliefs, particularly my beliefs and feelings about the gospel of Christ, I would choose music to share the depths of my soul. I've sought- for some time now- a good venue in which to express these things without subjecting a captive audience to my soapbox and the rants that tend to accompany any discussion of beliefs.
I've also, for some time, sought a way in which I can share the gospel of Christ. I've had great difficulty in this since I have trouble getting out of my bubble. I tend to hide behind a screen name in my missionary work (as I am now!), but even then I found myself frustrated because of the lack of honest interest and a ridiculous amount of angry contention over points of doctrine. As far as missionary work in person- well, I've shared with people I care about, but even then I hold back in fear of offending their sensitivities. Ironically, I should be sharing this beautiful message that brings me so much personal joy with all I come into contact with. So what has held me back? The skepticism of others. I despise the 'rained-on-parade' feeling I feel when I share something so personally special to me and it is met with skepticism and hostility. It makes me feel as if I am casting the proverbial pearls before swine. Not that I think of my dear friends as swine, but I think the phrase expresses the difficulty of sharing something beautiful with someone unable- or just unwilling- to appreciate it.
So for some time I've felt quite frustrated in my gospel-sharing efforts. My own personal bubble limits me, as well as previous failures to adequately share my joy. And so I had thrown up my hands to await other, less-threatening opportunities and have been somewhat dormant in the worldwide conversation concerning God and religion since.
I was reading in this month's Ensign an article entitled "Sharing the Gospel on the Internet". It reminded me of my previous yearning to share that which is so dear to me and encouraged me to try again to participate in this ongoing conversation. And so, I did what I do best lately- I created a blog. It's likely that this is the most lazy, comfortable, bubbled missionary experience that a person can have and still feel like they may be touching someone's life. Perhaps the only life I will truly touch is my own. But maybe, just maybe, it might touch someone else's life, someone who really needs it.
-What will you share?
Quite honestly, anything that I feel a need to understand better myself, any epiphany I have recently had, any of those points that I wish I'd made during a conversation but thought of too late. I wish to share my knowledge of the truth (piddling though it is) and to garner further grains of truth, further light and knowledge that may help me as it may help you. This blog will be dedicated to anything that may relate to my beliefs, understanding and knowledge of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and His gospel.
-What do you hope to accomplish?
I hope that in some small way, I can share my knowledge and beliefs about my Savior that will
1) lead you to Him
2) lead you to know Him
3) help us both to understand Him and ourselves in the process.
I hope that I clear misconceptions/misunderstandings about my beliefs and the doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). I pray that as I go about this, I will have the clarity of mind and the understanding needed to put forth this knowledge, this truth in a way that enables you to feel the same Spirit that I do when I dwell on His teachings.
God be with us both in our search for truth.